All References
All information on this website (except for the Articles in the Popular Press page) is cited from peer-reviewed, published sources, unless otherwise noted. Some of the basic biology information is taken from cell biology or immunology textbooks. The scientific journal articles cited below are all cited elsewhere within this website (enter the author and date in the "search" tool to find where they are discussed). Throughout the site, I linked the journal citations directly to the PubMed database, rather than this page. If the full text is not available for free, try your local university library, or writing to the author. Other sources include Google Scholar and BioMedSearch; the latter includes not only those articles listed on PubMed, but also dissertations and additional journals as well.
Below are PubMed collections of the articles cited on this website, organized by topic. You can download them directly into a citation database from PubMed.
All references cited on this website (over 9000 studies!)
New studies that I haven't yet put online but intend to (i.e., my to-do list); I try to keep this list empty!
References Categorized by Topic
To download or see a list of articles sorted by topic, see these PubMed Collections. These collections include all the articles cited on this website, and many more as well.
Incidence and Prevalence
Classification and types of diabetes (including studies on Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults, double diabetes, and more issues in diabetes classification)
Clusters of type 1 diabetes (clustering in location or time, or by season)
Exposure During Development
Developmental exposures (gestation, birth, early life) and diabetes/obesity (includes studies on nutritional, chemical, and other exposures during prenatal/early life development)
Transgenerational effects and diabetes/obesity (includes studies on exposures during development can lead to effects in the 2nd and 3rd following generations)
Type of Diabetes
All environmental chemicals and diabetes/obesity (includes type 2, type 1, and gestational diabetes; insulin resistance; obesity/body size) All chemicals and obesity and metabolic syndrome (includes studies on growth, height, weight, obesity, insulin resistance, lipids, and adipose (fatty) tissue)
Diabetes Management and Complications
References on Specific Environmental Chemicals
References on Other Environmental Factors
Diet, nutrition, gut, microbiome and diabetes/obesity (includes studies on wheat, dairy, and breastfeeding)
Interactions Among Different Factors
References on Mechanisms
Beta cell dysfunction (includes studies on insulin secretion, beta cell function, the pancreas, and beta cell death)